100gms butter mixed well with about 150gms caster sugar.
Then add the following to the mix:
1/2 cup yogurt
3 tsp coffee dissolved in some water
1 bar or about 50gms dark chocolate (depending on how chocolaty you want it)
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1/2 cup flour (I use multi grain to keep it healthy!)
1tsp baking powder
A few drops of vanilla essence
Some orange/lemon zest if you like the flavor
A bit of ground cinnamon & nutmeg
Some chopped walnuts if you like
The batter will be quite thick and it won't rise like cake - don't worry...it's not supposed to.
Put the whole thing onto a greased baking tin and cook for about 40 minutes at 180 deg C.
Serve warm with ice cream or custard on the side, and top it up with chopped fruits for wholesome indulgence.