Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Just hummus with pita is a snack, hummus with some cottage cheese and veggies is a tasty meal that is easy to make.
Make a batch of hummus.

Meanwhile, marinate for an hour in the fridge (or overnight if you have the time):
250 gms of cottage cheese (or boneless chicken cubes)
2-3 tbsps of yogurt
1/2 tsp chilli powder
1/2 tsp cumin powder/roasted cumin
Salt/pepper to taste

Transfer this to a baking dish and slow roast it for an hour at 150 deg C, then at 200 deg C for 10-15 min so that the juices evaporate. But make sure to not burn the tops and keep tossing them every 5 minutes for the last 15 minutes.
For the salad:
1 beet: peeled, boiled and sliced
1 carrot, sliced
A few olives 

Start layering with the hummus at the bottom, then the salad, and top it up with the cottage cheese. You could even add some Greek yogurt to the base.

Serve with toasted Pita bread

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Chocolate Mousse

This is the simplest thing you can make which tastes SO good!

All you need is
500 gm cream (room temperature)
250 gm chocolate (any kind - I prefer dark chocolate)

Melt the chocolate in the microwave (make sure to not burn it). It takes about 40-50 seconds for a large slab.
Whisk it lightly with a hand beater just to make sure there are no lumps. Add the cream in parts, making sure to blend it all in with the chocolate. If the cream is cold, it will solidify the chocolate on contact, making it lumpy.

Once both ingredients are incorporated, put it in the fridge for an hour or two. And that is IT.

For added flavourings, here are some additions you can make, either individually or in combinations:

1 tbsp coffee powder dissolved in 2 tbsp water at room temperature (add it while mixing the chocolate with cream)
1 tsp orange/lemon zest (added while mixing)
1 tbsp Cocoa powder (sift it over the mousse while serving, or add it with the mix for stronger flavour)
1/4 cup of grated chocolate (as garnish)
1 tsp mint essence (added while mixing)